Ready for some inspiration?

Everyday well-being has a strong connection with mental well-being. When everything is good in your life, everyday life goes by without much effort. On the other hand, everyday things and a regular daily routine promote health. It is important to stop and think about how you cope in the best possible way in everyday life and what you can do yourself to cope even better. You can influence your own well-being with very simple, daily things. This section allows you to look at your own everyday life. What things could you change in your everyday life?

Making everyday life meaningful

Any activity increases your sense of control in your life and promotes your well-being. Things to do and activities don't have to be anything big. Basic everyday things like cooking, exercising, cleaning and taking care of yourself are all activities. Doing the basics creates rhythm in everyday life and brings pleasure almost unnoticed. Participation in the work and student community and social relationships bring meaning to life. Exercise and other hobbies give pleasure.
It is good to be balanced according to your own resources, talents and possibilities. Do you feel like you have enough meaningful things to do in your everyday life? If you answered "no", what kind of activities would you like to add to your life?


Exercise has been found to have several health-promoting effects. Exercise can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and divert attention away from negative thoughts. Therefore, with regular exercise, you can maintain both physical fitness and mental well-being.
You don't have to reach the level of elite sports. Regularity is important in exercise: at least half an hour of exercise every day or longer a few times a week. Functional exercise is also counted as exercise. So you don't necessarily have to go to the gym or dance classes. For example, a brisk walk home from work is already exercise. Regular exercise also facilitates sleep. Are you moving enough? Would you like to increase the share of exercise in everyday life? If you don't have enough time, think about whether you could combine exercise and everyday routines. Could you walk part of your commute, manage social relationships while moving or go to the store on foot.


Versatile nutrition maintains good performance. The brain is an important organ for human functioning. By eating well, you give your brain and body energy. Good eating habits improve concentration, coordination, motivation, memory and stress tolerance. Nutrition also plays a major role in mood.
A regular eating rhythm also sets the rhythm of the day. You should eat five times a day.
When you eat, focus on eating and enjoy it in peace. When you eat regularly, you keep your blood sugar balance, your state of alertness and your stamina steady throughout the day. Rarely have treat days.
In addition to eating, it is important to drink enough fluids. An adult should drink about 1 ½ to 2 liters of water a day.

Social relationships

Take care of your social relationships. The presence or contact of another person is important. Talking about things, working together or just being present reduces stress. Which people are important to you? Are you keeping in touch with them enough? Even one friend is precious. My family and relatives are important networks.
Do you miss new relationships? Establishing new social relationships can seem challenging at first. However, it is important to bravely go out and look at the surroundings. You can find new friends through studying or work. It is possible to meet people interested in the same things in hobbies, communities or clubs.

Sleep and relaxation

A person's natural need for sleep varies from individual to individual. A healthy adult needs an average of seven to eight hours of sleep per day. Good quality sleep is important for a person, because sleep is connected to a person's psychological and physical resources.
The most common cause of sleep disorders is stress and environmental and life changes. Disturbed sleep affects the body and mind in many ways. Poorly slept nights weaken the mood. Prolonged insomnia causes irritability and mood swings. Insomnia also weakens concentration and memory and makes learning difficult.
Insomnia also exposes you to many physical ailments. Prolonged lack of sleep can expose you to, for example, cardiovascular diseases.
For these reasons, it is important to take care of good sleep and adequate rest. Is your sleep and your need for sleep in balance? Below is a list of ways you can improve your sleeping habits:

  • Go to bed around the same time every night
  • Wake up with a plan at the same time every morning
  • Exercise, e.g. walking in the evening well before going to bed
  • Eat lightly in the evening
  • Avoid or limit the use of coffee, alcohol, tobacco
  • Avoid watching heavy subjects and violence in the media before going to bed
  • Avoid worrying right before going to bed
  • Ventilate the bedroom before going to bed
  • Reserve your bed only for sleeping and sex. Don't do other things in bed
  • Learn to relax your body and calm your mind
  • If you wake up in the middle of your sleep and can't get back to sleep right away, get up and do something calming